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My intention for you is to experience a unique session that combines Reiki, Intuition-Coaching, meditation. We work together to bring light, or to acknowledge any relevant issues coming up.

I began my journey towards servic
e to others many years ago, when I started nursing, It has taught me so much about myself and others and showed me what I actually wanted for myself.

I worked in the operating theatre for years while my three children grew up and just plodding on at that time, but always knowing there was something else out there for me.

en the children grew up I started exploring other things which led me into self discovery and self belief. I completed a N.Z life coaching course which opened me up to more and more self belief.

Then completed a Reiki practitioner's course, also volunteered for the red cross refugee resettlement programme, and went onto to do a 10 month course on developing my intuition which enabled me to have many tools to work and to teach my clients.

Hi, I'm Wendy!

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